

Version Not Yet Released

You are viewing the documentation for the 1.x branch of the WebSocketBundle package which has not yet been released. Be aware that the API for this version may change before release.

Default Configuration


        # The firewalls from which the session token can be used; can be an array, a string, or null to allow all firewalls.
        firewalls:            null

    # An identifier for the websocket server, disclosed in the response to the WELCOME message from a WAMP client.
    identity:             BabDev-Websocket-Server/0.1

    # The maximum size of the HTTP request body, in bytes, that is allowed for incoming requests.
    max_http_request_size: 4096

    # The default URI to listen for connections on.
    uri:                  ~ # Required

    # Options used to configure the stream context, see the "React\Socket\SocketServer" class documentation for more details.
    context:              []

    # A list of origins allowed to connect to the websocket server, must match the value from the "Origin" header of the HTTP request.
    allowed_origins:      []

    # A list of IP addresses which are not allowed to connect to the websocket server, each entry can be either a single address or a CIDR range.
    blocked_ip_addresses: []
      enabled:              false

      # The interval, in seconds, which connections are pinged.
      interval:             30 # Required

        # A list of "Doctrine\DBAL\Connection" services to ping.
        connections:          []

        # The interval, in seconds, which connections are pinged.
        interval:             60 # Required

      # The main routing resource to import when loading the websocket server route definitions.
      resource:             ~ # Required

      # A service ID for a "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionFactoryInterface" implementation to create the session service.
      factory_service_id:   ~

      # A service ID for a "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\SessionStorageFactoryInterface" implementation to create the session storage service, used with the default session factory.
      storage_factory_service_id: ~

      # A service ID for a "SessionHandlerInterface" implementation to create the session handler, used with the default session storage factory.
      handler_service_id:   ~