

Available Views

Default Views

All of the views provided in the pagerfanta/core package are available by default for use with this bundle.

The below table lists the view names and the corresponding class.

View Name Class Name
default Pagerfanta\View\DefaultView
foundation6 Pagerfanta\View\Foundation6View
semantic_ui Pagerfanta\View\SemanticUiView
twitter_bootstrap Pagerfanta\View\TwitterBootstrapView
twitter_bootstrap3 Pagerfanta\View\TwitterBootstrap3View
twitter_bootstrap4 Pagerfanta\View\TwitterBootstrap4View
twitter_bootstrap5 Pagerfanta\View\TwitterBootstrap5View

Twig View

This bundle provides a Pagerfanta view which renders a Twig template.

The below table lists the available templates and the CSS framework they correspond to.

Template Name Framework
@BabDevPagerfanta/default.html.twig None (Pagerfanta's default view)
@BabDevPagerfanta/foundation6.html.twig Foundation (version 6.x)
@BabDevPagerfanta/semantic_ui.html.twig Semantic UI (version 2.x)
@BabDevPagerfanta/tailwind.html.twig Tailwind CSS
@BabDevPagerfanta/twitter_bootstrap.html.twig Bootstrap (version 2.x)
@BabDevPagerfanta/twitter_bootstrap3.html.twig Bootstrap (version 3.x)
@BabDevPagerfanta/twitter_bootstrap4.html.twig Bootstrap (version 4.x)
@BabDevPagerfanta/twitter_bootstrap5.html.twig Bootstrap (version 5.x)

The labels of the "Previous" and "Next" buttons are localizable in the Twig templates.

Creating a Twig View Template

If creating a custom template, you are encouraged to extend the @BabDevPagerfanta/default.html.twig template (found at Resources/views/default.html.twig) and override only the blocks needed.

Generally, the pager_widget block should only be extended if you need to change the wrapping HTML for the paginator. The pager block should still be rendered from your extended block.

The pager block is designed to hold the structure of the pager and generally should not be extended unless the intent is to change the logic involved in rendering the paginator (such as removing the ellipsis separators or changing to only display previous/next buttons).

When rendering a Twig view, the following options are passed into the template for use. Note that for the most part, only the pager block will use these variables.

  • pagerfanta - The Pagerfanta\Pagerfanta object
  • route_generator - A Pagerfanta\RouteGenerator\RouteGeneratorDecorator object which decorates the route generator created by the pagerfanta() Twig function
    • The decorator is required because Twig does not allow direct execution of Closures within templates
  • options - The options array passed through the pagerfanta() Twig function
  • start_page - The calculated start page for the list of items displayed between separators, this is based on the proximity option and the total number of pages
  • end_page - The calculated end page for the list of items displayed between separators, this is based on the proximity option and the total number of pages
  • current_page - The current page in the paginated list
  • nb_pages - The total number of pages in the paginated list

Additionally, for most page blocks (previous_page_link, page_link, current_page_link, and next_page_link), there are two additional variables available:

  • page - The current page in the pager
  • path - The generated URL for the item

If you want to create your own Twig template, the quickest and easiest way to do that is to extend one of the supplied templates (typically the default one). Have a look at semantic_ui.html.twig to see the blocks you will likely want to override.

Default View CSS

The bundle comes with basic CSS for the default view so you can get started quickly.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('bundles/babdevpagerfanta/css/pagerfanta.css') }}">