

Version No Longer Supported

You are viewing the documentation for the 2.x branch of the PagerfantaBundle package which reached is no longer supported as of December 31, 2021. You are advised to upgrade as soon as possible to a supported version.

Configuring The Bundle

Default View

The default view for your application can be set with the default_view configuration node. This defaults to "default".

# app/config/config.yml for Symfony Standard applications
# config/packages/babdev_pagerfanta.yaml for Symfony Flex applications
    default_view: my_view

Default Twig Template

The default Twig template for Twig views in your application can be set with the default_twig_template configuration node. This defaults to "@BabDevPagerfanta/default.html.twig".

# app/config/config.yml for Symfony Standard applications
# config/packages/babdev_pagerfanta.yaml for Symfony Flex applications
    default_view: twig
    default_twig_template: '@App/Pagerfanta/default.html.twig'

Exception Strategies

By default, the bundle converts Pagerfanta\Exception\NotValidCurrentPageException and Pagerfanta\Exception\NotValidMaxPerPageException exceptions into 404 responses. If you would like to disable or change this behavior, you can change the strategies using the exceptions_strategy node by setting the value to "custom" for each behavior you want to change.

# app/config/config.yml for Symfony Standard applications
# config/packages/babdev_pagerfanta.yaml for Symfony Flex applications
        out_of_range_page: custom # Disables converting `Pagerfanta\Exception\NotValidMaxPerPageException` to a 404 response
        not_valid_current_page: to_http_not_found # Default behavior converting `Pagerfanta\Exception\NotValidCurrentPageException` to a 404 response