

Version No Longer Supported

You are viewing the documentation for the 2.x branch of the Pagerfanta package which reached is no longer supported as of March 31, 2022. You are advised to upgrade as soon as possible to a supported version.


Pagerfanta is a PHP library which helps with calculating and rendering paginated lists with support for a number of data providers.

This package is a continuation of the original Pagerfanta package by White October.

The package includes:

  • PHP templates with support for multiple CSS Frameworks
  • Adapters supporting multiple database backends, including ElasticSearch, Solr, and Doctrine (ORM and ODM)
  • Twig extension for rendering a pager

Support Matrix

The below table shows the supported PHP versions for this package, please review the composer.json file for each individual package for additional requirements.

Version Status PHP Versions
2.x No Longer Supported 7.2-8.0
3.x Actively Supported 7.4+